1. 闭包
2. 未解除事件绑定
3. 循环引用DOM元素
除此之外,还有一种泄漏原因少有人知,它和innerHTML有关,不过很容易解决。 出现这种内存泄漏需要有三个条件:1. 内存中存在一个未加入DOM树的元素
2. 给这个元素设置innerHTML,注意,必须是能创建元素并且绑定了DOM 0级事件
3. 必须在这个元素加入DOM树前设置它的innerHTML
// 创建一个仅存在于内存中的元素 var el = document.createElement( 'div' ); // 设置innerHTML el.innerHTML = '<a onclick = "testFn()">Test Link</a>' ; // 加入DOM树 document.body.appendChild(el) |
IE innerHTML Memory Leak Demo IE innerHTML Memory Leak Demo
Upon clicking the "Start Leak" button, a script will execute repeatedly which creates a new
element in memory, sets its innerHTML to a string of 2000 tags with onclick events wired up (' Test Link'), and then adds thatto the page.Letting this script run for about 60 seconds, and using Perfmon to monitor memory consumption, you should notice a significant increase in the amount of memory consumed. To see the same script logic that doesn't leak memory, view the No Leak Page.
IE innerHTML Memory Leak Demo (the fix) IE innerHTML Memory Leak Demo (the fix)
Upon clicking the "Start Leak" button, a script will execute repeatedly which creates a new
element in memory and then adds that element to the page. Only after the element has been added to the page, do we set its .innerHTML to a string to 2000 tags with onclick events wired up (' Test Link').Letting this script run for about 60 seconds, and using Perfmon to monitor memory consumption, you should notice that, unlike the Leak Page, memory consumption remains relatively constant.